Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Ultimate Mashup
Imagine that all information can be integrated, customized and at your fingertips. You're walking down the street and you see a coffee shop. You dip in and on your PDA phone you get a short bio/hist of the store, the owner, its workers (with their consent and input of course) and the uses of the building before the cofee shop. Your phone also beeps when you have someone who fits your dating profile or blog profile in the nearby record store.
So then you walk the rest of the way to the library to do research. You're just a fan of book, you like the texture. So when you get there you link into the system that knows your reading style preferences and it recommends an author or two that are a little outside of your reading style, but they have insights that both support your views and/or oppose your views. This is all thanks to a human-led tagging mission to cross-classify books.
But you're just there to read Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. So you take that home and ride your car-share segue to the bus so you can go home.
Isn't life grand?
tenth dimension
El Metaphoro for Iraqo
My opposition to “positions on the Iraqi occupation/war”
I think that what’s in
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
State of the Union
My dad watched it. No wonder he calls it the 'boob toob'. I'm not sure if he's talking about the people watching it or the people on it. Pops said he watches PBS about 90% of the time. I said i'd get cable (jokingly of course) so he could watch the history and discovery channel. Then he said he'd only watch PBS 80% of the time. Touche (pronounced:Twoshay)
I don't know about politics. Seems like a lot of people positioning and frontin and trying to sound good. And really they're not saying anything. Suits on a street corner.
If i were president, all my cabinet people would have some kind of engineering degree. Why? Because at least you have to think rigorously and precisely about what you're studying. I have a history degree. I took other humanities classes. It's mostly drivel. Someone trying to put a slightly different perspective on the same thing. I get more perspectives on things walking down a street than reading a book.
Let's face it, most people write 75% drivel in any kind of writing class, and you can't BS your way through a calculus function. But if I were president . . . more drivel
What else? . . .
Monday, January 22, 2007
Audiophile, . . . well ipodophiles at least
Itunes, it is what i live and breathe by.
So i got BeaTunes ( ) . It's a program that finds all the beats per minute of your songs and puts them in itunes. I had thought that was great back when i had a kilo of songs (a thousand songs for you americans). And i've been pining and pouting about not having that at my now 6kilos of songs (six thousand for you slow americans). Enter stage right, with pyrotechnics BeaTunes.
Not only can it do beats per minute (bpm), it also listens to the song to figure out what other songs it sounds like. So you can do moods that cross genres. However, this sounds a little shaky. I like Pandora, and i know they have professional musicians analyzing songs. i'm not sure that this 6mb program approach, much less reach and surpass that. But as we speak the program is going through my whole itunes library, so we'll see after a week or two. I'll create a couple playlists and burn through them to see what this program's got. I'll admit, it's probably one of the first web-based programs [non-box] i think i'll buy.
The disappointing thing is that i have no real home computer. I juggle a couple different computers, so i don't know how to have it analyze my ipod's songs. I think i'll have to bite the bullet and erase all my ratings and playcount. That should put things back on an even basis, cuz John legend is in heavy rotation and has like 26 plays whereas marvin is hovering around 6-7. I wish there was a way to corret that.
But the re-rating isn't so bad. A few months ago i erased all my 3* (3 star) songs cuz my library was getting bohemouth. And i wanted to re-rate all my stars to more align with the netflix rating system: hated it, 2didn't like it, 3 liked it, 4 really liked it, 5 loved it. I had been rating 2's and 3's together and only listened much to 4's and 5's. But that reduces my listening experience. So this'll give me a fresh start.
Visual Artists Unite, or not
What prompted this book? A comic book no less. A few months ago when i was teaching myself to draw, i bought a book "Perspective! for comic book artists" by Scott McCloud. It was great. Most of the time in drawing books you see either a lot of words about a few pictures, or a lot of pictures with few words. So you're either inndated or starved for explanation. With comics as his medium of explanation, he shows you in frame-by-frame/step-by-step how to do everything you wanted with perspective. Then i realized that comics was simply the perfect medium for such instruction (art- and i say that with tongue in cheek).
So i later read his book (got from the Library- freedom ahoy!) "Understanding Comics" which was a tour-de-force (always wanted to write that) about comics as art, not just art's bastard child. He explored the medium, through the medium. For instance, remember how seductive it was in the Sound of Music when they would sing about music using music? Well, its kinda the same thing, only comics and comics, and the thrill is still there. So he examines comics with a depth and breadth i've never thought about. Apparently he does it with a depth and breadth that most comic artists haven't seen, hence the rave reviews.
So i'm on an art kick. So when i was in the bookstore browsing for something that would tweak my interest, I came upon this book "art as expereince". So far his main point is about how art has been abstracted and bastardized from everyday life. And only in the context of everyday life can we really understand art. Point seems cool, but it's a long book and i hope he has some other insightful stuff to say. incidentally this helps round out my philosophical readings, which has been a kick of mine for a while.
Obama for emperor. . .not
Obama for Emperor. . . he hath no clothes, no substance, only that politically seductive smile. The only clean guy in the mudslinging fight. I read his second book. He's playing the role of a referee, which is great and what we 'need'. But how is he going to ref the superbowl when he's new to high-school ball? The book is good. But after the first three chapters there isn't any more substance to be had. Rather the book is about outlining his perspective, not his plan. Think of it as a book about the art, not art itself.
What do i think? Gore for president, Obama as vice pres. This would give Gore another run, with a highly seductive candidate on his heels. And this will also give Obama the necessary experience to know what the big house is like.
Beware, watch out for Gingrich. He'll be late in comin, but he'll be blowin full steam ahead when he throws his hat into the race. His late start will place him in the role as a new/fresh face (cough) in a field of people already being criticized.