Tuesday, June 19, 2007

innundation and movie reviews

hey. i'm in the process of getting dsl at home, but it's not going well because the phone company's repair line was down for repairs!!! (is that satire?).

But. . . when i'm up and running, i'll be posting to these various blogs much more frequently.

I saw "the last king of scotland" last night. it took me two nights to watch it. It was a good movie, but i don't know why the man was like that. I think Forest Whitaker got the oscar for the role. So, in the last decade we've had oscars for black people playing a rogue maniacal cop, a poor slut in love with a death row inmate, an unwed mother and a tyrranical African buffoon ruler. And who said there wasn't progress on the big screen?

Q&A: denzel, halle, jennifer and forest for the people who played those roles.

i turned thirty this past weekend. Best birthday since the real one.
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