Friday, May 25, 2007


i don't know. I must be a hermit. I keep reading books that i like over-and-over again. It might be OCD or something.

But it doesn't happen with every book. Just good novels.

In a related note, i keep doing the same thing over and over again. I go through files that i've written and created and go over them with a fine-toothed comb to see if there's anything to add or adjust. And i know i won't do it. so why do it? I need some newness inmy life.

And what's with all these short random thoughts, as if this were one of those meaningless blogs? I should think of something deep to say.
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Netflix is sooo last year

hey, if their search capabilities are so advanced, why do they keep displaying movies that i already rated?

For instance, if i put Mission Impossible in my Queue, why do they then put the other two mission impossibles and related movies that i've already seen? I would think that they would have a query that would eliminate already rated movies.

Seems simple enough.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007


Hey, i've been thinking of the 'illegal' immigrants streaming into this country, and its impact on black people. I hate amnesty, but i can't be mad at them. Think about it, they came into the country illegally, and we were imported immorally. I think it's a tie. Or as Borat says "NOT".

I'm actually against amnesty, unless there's some sort of reparations. I do like the republicans saying that immigration should be based on importing people with marketable skills (i.e. hi-tech not high-tech) and not simply by family ties. But what about some kind of dual-citizenship program?

Kidding mostly. i just wanted to post something, i've been kinda quiet lately.
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work sucks

i swear, the downfall of mankind lay in ineffective management.
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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

driving without reality

when i drive, and i see cars hit bumps. for some reason, i think that my car won't hit the bump too.

deep thoughts: by jack handy's nephew
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Obamania & Philly's next mayor?

Great article on Obama. Fantastic article on an even more fascinating man.

I'm just upset that Obama weighed in on the Philly Election behind Chakka Fattah. He's good and all, but i like nutter a helluva lot better. Chakka has it right on attacking the causes of violence, and not just punishing the instances/patterns of it. Why do i like Nutter? Because Nutter isn't scared to do the unpopular stuff for what he thinks is best for philly. But Nutter is foolin himself thinking that searching and frisking "random" people will dent the rate of violence in the city. Knox is a facade, brady's full of himself, and i don't know much about Evans. But then again, all this means nothing because i've never met any of them.

Back to Obama: my favorite paragraph from the article:

"There are three things that Democratic political candidates tend to do when talking with constituents: they display an impressive grasp of the minutiae of their constituents’ problems, particularly money problems; they rouse indignation by explaining how those problems are caused by powerful groups getting rich on the backs of ordinary people; and they present well-worked-out policy proposals that, if passed, would solve the problems and put the powerful groups in their place. Obama seldom does any of these things. He tends to underplay his knowledge, acting less informed than he is. He rarely accuses, preferring to talk about problems in the passive voice, as things that are amiss with us rather than as wrongs that have been perpetrated by them. And the solutions he offers generally sound small and local rather than deep-reaching and systemic."
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makes me wanna holla

I'm so glad i have sprint. I just read on Slashdot (one of the finest news sources around) that Verizon is trying to argue that turning over customer call data to the NSA is protected by the first amendment. Alarm bells, you hear them too?

On the commentary in slashdot, someone observed that the first amendment was to protect people FROM government censorship, not to defend collusion . . . I'm glad someone's watching those who are watching us.

It seems that humans and corporations will try to distort just about anything to rationalize doing something that violates another person . . .

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